Video: Did you know this about Fr. Frank?
Video: They tried to stop him, but…
January 2, 2024: Unanimous Resolution of the Board of Directors of Priests for Life
November 2023: In November of 2023, Dr. Alveda King, who has been associated with us since 1999 and who served fulltime for 16 years on the Priests for Life team, wrote a letter of encouragement to our Priests for Life family. As a member of our Board of Directors and an associate of our team, Alveda continues to urge unity within the Church and the pro-life movement rather than shunning one another.
At the same time, our chief canonical advisor Fr. Dave Deibel, who has worked with us for decades and knows all the ins and outs of our interaction with Church hierarchy, wrote a letter clarifying my status as a Catholic in good standing, and clarifying that neither Priests for Life nor I are supposed to be shunned as a result of the developments of the last year. We are still doing the work of the Church and it is worthy of full support.
May 1, 2023: Prolife Primetime: Update on my dismissal from Priesthood [Read the Q&A Here]
January 16, 2023: For those asking about when Pro-Life Leader Frank Pavone was notified about his dismissal from the priesthood.
January 16, 2023: Resolution of the Priests for Life Board and the National Pro-Life Religious Council Board supporting Frank Pavone's leadership.
January 10, 2023: (video) Cardinal Muller Comments on Father Frank’s Laicization John-Henry Westen, Life Site News
January 6, 2023: The Reason Behind Father Frank’s Laicization - Bradley Mattes, Life Issues Institute
December 31, 2022: Fr. Pavone and “The Spirit of Vatican I” by
- Rev. Peter M.J. Stravinskas
December 27, 2022: Bishop Zurek’s “Never” and “Now”
December 27, 2022: The Family of Terri Schiavo Stands with Frank Pavone
December 26, 2022: Priests for Life Leader Frank Pavone: “Accompany Me”
December 24, 2022: A Christmas Eve Message of Hope from Frank Pavone, Pro-Life Leader
December 23, 2022: Viganò’s Declaration on the Canonical Sanctions Imposed on Frank A. Pavone
December 22, 2022: Priests for Life Board of Directors Resolution
December 22, 2022:
Fr. Pavone has inspired me to speak about my journey to being a happy pro-life Catholic
December 21, 2022: Sr. Dede Byrne: Fr. Pavone’s laicization is a ‘travesty’
December 19, 2022: Press Release: Frank Pavone: Full Speed Ahead - I will not be silenced or canceled
December 18, 2022: Frank Pavone's first written response
December 17, 2022: Video: Frank Pavone's initial comments